When it comes to HIV, I think most people have information about the transmission of HIV; however, when it comes to living with HIV and living with people living with HIV, we still have a challenge and stigma sets in. There is still a lot of fear, so much so that people living with HIV hide their statuses, and when family members find out, they are stigmatized. Even though people claim to know about HIV and do their tests regularly, they still have little or no idea how to help those infected.' Habiba

Building Self Confidence

We have talked so much about self acceptance, setting personal standards, challenging stereotypes and many other cool stuff. Most of us found several new and challenging ideas that we need to work on. So we've all learnt a lot. But here's the thing: it's ok to say all these things. We have all the building … Continue reading Building Self Confidence

Day7: Whys and Hows of Exercise.

Let me start with an anecdote. I've never been a sports person. Never been on a team or tried to learn any sport. A quick walk is about the only form of exercise I can boast of. That said, a couple of years ago a new 'Parcours Vita' was opened near our house. My cousins … Continue reading Day7: Whys and Hows of Exercise.

My Five Best Songs to Heal the ‘Body Blues’.

Everyone has those days, you know the ones where you don't just feel like getting out of bed and when you finally do, a stranger greets you in the mirror. You look horrible; like did all that acne just sprout up over-night?? or did your eyes always look so blood-shot? And it doesn't end there. … Continue reading My Five Best Songs to Heal the ‘Body Blues’.