Imagine a world where loving yourself is the rule, instead of the exception; where nothing about your beautifully crafted body is taboo.

We want that world. We are creating that world; brick by brick. Join Us.

Our More Than a Body Conference is Coming this June 2023!

Panel 1



#Bodytalk is a social media  Self-Awareness and Advocacy campaign which has exploded into a community and is becoming a movement. We are a peer education Organization.


#Bodytalk started as one girl’s realization that loving oneself didn’t have to be reserved for real life Barbies and Wonder woman; that we ordinary girls could try it too. Also, that we don’t always have to succeed, because it is an ongoing process, but that knowledge, that moment is where the journey starts.


So you want in but still don’t get it? Let me walk you through.


Body Image,

Body Positivity…

Never heard of those?? It might sound like rocket science but it’s not that complicated.

We are just a group of young people learning about who we are in this crazy world and sharing our experiences as we go along.

It would be great to add your voice to the mix!


This association is to educate women and young girls on positive body image, sexual and reproductive health and to promote women’s rights.


To train and educate young people on developmental issues affecting them such as health and social influence.

main objectives

  • To educate women and girls to accept their bodies through positive body image and self-confidence.
  • To train young people, especially women and girls on Sexual and Reproductive health issues influencing their everyday life.
  • To create awareness on social issues relating to health and gender.
  • Create a platform where women and young girls could discuss on issues relating to them.

Panel 2

Meet the Gang

Hear what some of #TeamBodyTalk has to say!

I just Love BodyTalk! Thank you so much for opening your doors, lives and experiences to me. I can proudly say BodyTalk has touched every aspect of my life. I look forward to our journey together.

Helma Brown

Great initiative on body positivity. Way to go with this mammoth task you have undertaken and keep the fight. We need to respect people’s preferences and not feel any less about ourselves just because we’re not their fit.

Baweh Biyeh

Panel 3


Youngvoices aloud n’ Allowed: Doreen’s Voice

We are still facing the consequences of how HIV was first handled. I have reactions like HIV is not a big deal. But if it wasn’t a big deal, we wouldn’t still be talking about it. Now we have generations of people who have to unlearn information about HIV. That’s why a campaign like this is important.
Living with HIV is a rollercoaster. Life does not spare you because you are living with HIV. We spend our lives asking people to love us the way we are when we can’t do the same for ourselves.



When it comes to HIV, I think most people have information about the transmission of HIV; however, when it comes to living with HIV and living with people living with HIV, we still have a challenge and stigma sets in. There is still a lot of fear, so much so that people living with HIV hide their statuses, and when family members find out, they are stigmatized. Even though people claim to know about HIV and do their tests regularly, they still have little or no idea how to help those infected.’ Habiba