young girls in a group pictures

HerVoiceFund: #10DaysofBodyTalk

Project Goal:

Our goal is to empower AGYW through peer education to cultivate positive body image, develop self esteem and health awareness so that they can hack the well of potential within them and influence
policies that affect their lives and communities.


  • Develop an online interactive program for AGYW based on our campaign, #10DaysofBodyTalk and reach approximately 300 AGYW in 2020 with our online program.
  • Create a curriculum/workbook for and by AGYW for schools and youth groups
  • Empower AGYW to directly engage with and educate younger girls in their communities by volunteering to teach.
  • Educate 50 AGYW and train 10 volunteers in Cameroon and Equip and inspire AGYW to be program Ambassadors by the end of their training
  • Give program ambassadors the opportunity to influence policy makers by showcase in via a workshop, their projects and sharing their stories with the Ministry of Women Affairs and that of Youth Affairs and civic Education
  • Evaluate the impact of preliminary work and present evidence through ambassadors to country coordinators involved in strategic and operational planning.


Adolescent Girls and young women impacted by project

  • young girls in a group pictures
